Traditional ragdolls are purebreds they are different because they are born white and slowly get their color in. This has to do with a thermoregulation within their hair shafts. They are the sub group that has the darkest of the blue eyes. Currently TICA only allows the pointed ragdolls within their show rings. However, in the future it is my hope that they will open it up to the minks and sepias too. These are certainly a favorite and popular color they can come in seal points, blue points, chocolate points, flame points, or tortie points, and recently cinnamon point and fawn point. They can also come in bicolor or mitted vs non mitted (AKA colorpoint).
Are they still ragdolls? yes very much so they are also registered with TICA just like all other ragdolls these are just pointed.
***What color are their eyes? their eyes will be a dark shade of blue.
Contrary to some opinions, comments and rumors, mink ragdolls are indeed purebreds and the breed is officially acknowledged by The International Cat Association (TICA) it refers to its coat which is much smoother than the fur of a traditional Ragdoll Cat. The feel of the fur can be compared to that of a mink fur stole. Which is where they got their name.
***Can minks be pointed? yes they can be however they are born with their color and their eyes are not blue they are aqua.
***Are they still ragdolls? yes very much so they are also registered with TICA just like all other ragdolls.
***What color are their eyes? their eyes will be aqua colored and any shade of aqua.
All Sepia Ragdolls are born with color and this color deepens over time to an incredibly dark and richly colored coat. They have the softest of the fur and it is said to feel much like cashmere or rabbit fur. With a sepia they carry two of the color genes which causes the darker coat color to be expressed. This darkness is because the Sepia Ragdoll carries a double Mink gene. A Sepia Ragdoll’s coat may also be plusher than that of the Mink Ragdoll. They can come in color variations such as lynx, bicolor, pointed, mitted or solids.
***Are they still ragdolls? yes very much so they are also registered with TICA just like all other ragdolls.
***What color are their eyes? their eyes will often be green, orange (amber), golden, and even aqua (more rare).
When a Sepia Ragdoll is bred to a Traditional Ragdoll the resulting kittens will all be Minks. When a Sepia Ragdoll is bred to a Mink Ragdoll the resulting kittens will be 1/2 Minks and 1/2 Sepias.
So, what color does a Solid Ragdoll come in, you ask? Solids can be seen in black, blue, chocolate, lilac, white, red, cream, blue/cream and calico/tortie. Solid Ragdolls also have the same patterns as the “traditional” Ragdoll. That is colorpoint (having no white), mitted (white mitts on front paws and boots on back legs with white chin and bib), and bicolor (an inverted “V” on its face, white on all legs, chin and bib). Any of these patterns and colors can also be marked with the lynx , smoke, shaded or silver.
Eye color between the traditional pointed variety, the Solid Ragdoll and the Mink Ragdoll are also a distinguishing feature of each. In the traditional Ragdoll kitten, the eye color is always blue. Whereas, the Solid Ragdoll kitten has eyes of green, copper, blue, blue-green, or even odd color eyes.